Best of ESHRE 2020
ESHRE, European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, is the most important medical congress on fertility worldwide.
With 4 days of congress, and countless presentations, it is hard follow everything that has been said without missing important discoveries. This is why Com&Coand Gedeon Richterpartnered up to offer a more accessible format, for healthcare professionals as well as the general public.
Com&Co managed the project hand in hand with Gedeon Richter, from start to finish: Gedeon Richter mandated the project and hand-picked the panelists, while Com&Co took care of the rest of the project management and realization.
The main target was a very specific group, French fertility experts, was successfully reached. Over 80 people tuned in per day, and most of them came back: the total attendance of the webinars was 128 unique viewers, with an average watch time of more than 40 minutes.
But the real strength of the webinar is the availability of the VOD. In less that 3 weeks, the audience had almost tripled, with a total of 357 viewers.

A few key numbers
- 3 short webinars over 3 days for French healthcare professionals, during the congress
- Length of each webinar: 45 minutes
- Over 80 people tuned in per day
- 128 unique viewers on webinars destined to healthcare professionals
- Average watch time of more than 40 minutes
- 1 short webinar for the general population, 2 weeks after the congress
- 357 viewers in VOD
Discover the platform created by Com&Co and the VOD here (for French speakers):