Terms of use

If you have any questions regarding our Terms of Use, please feel free to contact our customer service available at the following phone number +33 (0)4 91 09 70 53 from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm (except during bank holidays). 

 Article 1 – Scope 

 The present terms and conditions of use (the “Terms of Use”) set forth the conditions under which any person may access and use (The “User(s)” or “You/you”) :  

  • the different electronic platforms including the website comnco.com, the different websites related to physical or digital events (congress, conferences, seminars, webinar, etc.…), e-learning platforms, applications (the “Digital Platforms”) operated and published by the company COM&CO EVENTS, a French société par actions simplifiée incorporated under the laws of France with a capital of 28.170 euros, having its registered office at 15 Boulevard Grawitz – 13016 Marseille (France), registered with the Marseille Trade and Company register under the number 528 558 125 (“ Us/us”) ; and 
  • the corresponding Services as described below. 

 By accessing, visiting and using any of the Digital Platforms and their Services, the User fully agrees, without any restrictions, to comply with the Terms of Use. 


Article 2 – Definitions 

 In these Terms of Use, capitalized terms shall have the meaning ascribed to them below:  

 « Digital Platforms » has the meaning ascribed to it in paragraph 1 “Scope” of the Terms of Use. 

 « Login » means the password associated to the email address chosen by the User and whose purpose is to identify the latter on the corresponding Digital Platform in order to access all or part of the Services. 

 « Services » mean the services enabling the Users, according to circumstance, to register to the event, to submit clinical cases/resumes, to access to the different online contents and material (whatever their format). 

 « Terms of Use » has the meaning ascribed to it in paragraph 1 “Scope” of the Terms of Use. 

 « User(s) » has the meaning ascribed to it in paragraph 1 “Scope” of the Terms of Use. 


Article 3 – Changes 

 We reserve the right, at our own discretion and at any time, to change, modify, add or remove portions of these Terms of Use. The date of the last update is mentioned at the end of the Terms of Use. However, it is your responsibility to regularly and carefully check these Terms of Use for changes. 

 Should any provision of the Terms of Use be or become, either in whole or in part, void, ineffective or unenforceable, then the validity, effectiveness and enforceability of the other provisions of these Terms of Use shall remain unaffected thereby. 


Article 4 – Accessibility 

 Each of the Digital Platforms is accessible with a computer, a tablet, a mobile phone or other devices connected to the communication network according to communication protocols used on the internet network. 

 Each of the Digital Platforms is accessible 24hours/24, 7days/7 for all Users. We shall not be held liable for any intentional or unintentional interruptions of the Digital Platforms and their Services. 

 We reserve the right, without any notice and indemnity, to temporarily or permanently shut down any Digital Platform or access to any Services in order to, for example, carry out any update, modification, change on operational methods, servers and access hours. 

 We reserve the right to carry out on the Digital Platforms and Services any necessary and/or required modifications and improvements to ensure the proper functioning of them. 


Article 5 – Internet Policy 

The User expressly agrees to the limits and characteristics of internet and in particular acknowledges : 

  • the nature of the internet network especially its technical performance and response time to read, transfer data ;  
  • that data available on internet is not necessary protected, in particular against any possible embezzlement ;  
  • that data available on internet may be controlled as for their use or be protected by any right of ownership;  
  • any disclosure to third party of confidential information is done at his own risks ;  
  • it is his responsibility to take any appropriate measures in order to protect his own data and/or software from any computer virus. 

In general, the User is solely and exclusively responsible for the use of data he reads, transfers over or from the Internet and for the use of the provided Services so that we shall not be liable. 


Article 6 – Account 

6.1. Some Services available on the Digital Platforms may require you to open an account giving personal data. By opening a personal account, you shall read the Terms of Use as well the Privacy Policy. To log into your personal account, you will be asked to acknowledge that you have read the Privacy Policy by clicking on the box. 

We assume, in an indisputable manner, that you use your Login. 

Each User is solely responsible for the use of the Services under his Login until any request to change such Login. You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the information you hold for your account, including your password, and for any and all activity that occurs under your account as a result of your failing to keep this information secure and confidential.  

6.2. We reserve the right to suspend and/or to delete your personal account and/or to limit your use of all or part of the Digital Platforms, at any time, in the event of breaches (in particular non-compliance with the Terms of Use). 


Article 7 – Use of the Digital Platforms and their Services 

The User expressly undertakes :  

  • to use the Services as well as all information he may have access to strictly for non-commercial purposes and in accordance with public order, good moral standards and third parties rights ;  
  • not to disrupt the use of the Digital Platforms by the other Users, access, without authorization, all or part of the Digital Platforms whose access is restricted;  
  • not to commit any act that may damage our digital security and the other Users’ digital security;  
  • not to interfere or interrupt the normal functioning of the Digital Platforms and its Services ;  
  • not to commit any act for commercial, political, marketing reasons and any commercial solicitation in particular by sending unsolicited emails. 


Article 8 – Intellectual property – Links 

8.1. We own and hold any property rights or right of use (in particular any intellectual property rights) on the Digital Platforms, their Services and any other elements of the Digital Platforms. 

 Online contents and videos are subject to copyrights. Therefore, you shall not keep, reproduce, transfer, sell or provide them, by any means. Any printed copy is protected by national and international copyright laws. Any electronic files shall not be transferred to another network or to a third party. 

 You acknowledge that access to the Services grant you access to such contents for a limited period and that online readings shall not entail any transfer of ownership to your benefit. Therefore, any online publication and other contents available within the Services shall not be reproduced, in any form whatsoever. 

 As a consequence, you refrain from infringing any intellectual property rights (copyright, any rights related to copyright, sui generis right, trademark right, domain name…) we own or owned by any third party. In particular, you refrain from copying, reproducing, representing, modifying and/or transferring, in any way and for whatever purpose, all or part of the content of the Digital Platforms (including different trademarks registered in our name mentioned in the Digital Platforms), unless our express, prior and written consent. Any automatic processing of all or part of the Digital Platforms is forbidden. 

8.2. We shall not be held liable for any content, advertising, products and services available on or from any platforms linked with our Digital Platforms.


Article 9 – Absence of guarantee – Liability limitations 

 We do our best so that information available on our Digital Platforms are accurate, complete and updated. However, we do not guarantee their accuracy, completeness and update.
We do not provide any express or tacit guarantee regarding all or part of the Digital Platforms. We shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage, whatever its cause, origin, nature and consequence, as a result of the visit or use of the Digital Platforms. As a consequence, we shall not be held liable for any damages following the access, use of the Digital Platforms or information, including the absence of accessibility, loss deterioration, destruction of data or virus that may damage the User’s IT equipment and/or the presence of virus.
In particular, we shall not be held liable for the contents of publication, video uploaded on the Digital Platforms. Published information consist in independent experts and health professionals’ opinions and shall remain under their liability. It is the User’s liability to verify the relevance of such opinions and recommendations. 


Article 10 – Personal data protection – Cookies 

For any further information on our privacy policy and cookie policy, please make sure to read both our privacy policy and cookie policy. 


Article 11 – Claims 

For any claims, we invite you to contact our customer service available at the following phone number : +33 (0)4 91 09 70 53 from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm (except during bank holidays). 


Article 12 – Governing laws and competent courts 

The Terms of Use are governed and constructed in accordance with French laws.
In the absence of amicable settlement, any dispute arising out of or in connection with the validity, interpretation or the performance of these Terms of Use shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdictions of the French competent Courts. 


Last update on October 18th 2024